YulyMae DiNapoli

YulyMae DiNapoli

Company: Cytokinetics Inc

Job title: VP, Human Resources


Develop: What More Can We Learn About Truly Moving The Needle And Driving DE&I in life sciences organizations? 1:50 pm

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day: Conference Day One - Track 2 PM

Discover: Driving DEIR in Life Sciences Organizations, Creating an Inclusive and Engaging Culture and Acquiring Diverse Talent 1:30 pm

How to truly make a difference and move the needle on DEIR (diversity, equity, inclusion and respect) at all levels in biotech companies How dynamic life sciences organizations can undergo scale while prioritizing DEIR during periods of growth, and establish an early talent pipeline through developing and leveraging partnerships with organization and academic institutions Uncover…Read more

day: Conference Day One - Track 2 PM

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