Rebecca Busch

Rebecca Busch

Company: Revolution Medicines

Job title: Executive Director, Engagement, Culture and Learning


Discover: Integrating & Aligning the Leadership Team for Cross- Functional Collaboration 3:10 pm

Explain how Revolution Medicines focused on establishing and integrating their management leadership team as the company grew rapidly Discuss the need to move from functional silos to a more strategic, cross-functional leadership approach, including implementing a “next level management team” with quarterly meetings Share the positive impacts of these changes, such as improved communication, integration…Read more

day: Pre-Conference Day Track B - PM

Develop: How Else Can We Align Leadership Teams During Periods of Change? 3:30 pm

Studies find that companies with well-defined organizational structures are: 30% more likely to achieve strategic goals, 25% higher in employee satisfaction and likely to grow 20% faster than those without scalable structures. Q&A session designed to help you understand the ‘how’.Read more

day: Pre-Conference Day Track B - PM

Panel: Re-Energizing Rewards & Recognition Programs Panel 10:40 am

Some Critical Themes Addressed: How can we stay competitive in our packages to ensure we attract the right talent? What perks are people offering to their employees and what are they finding really resonates? What non-cash recognition are you giving to your employees? What affordable actions are out there? How are people managing pay transparency?…Read more

day: Day One AM

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