Jose Ureta
Company: NGM Biopharmaceuticals
Job title: People Operations & Business Partner
Discover: Enhancing Employee Engagement & Retention: A Multifaceted Approach 12:00 pm
How can we ensure employee satisfaction and retention following layoffs and during periods of downturn in the organization? Explore various strategies implemented to enhance employee engagement and retention, focusing on both monetary and non-monetary approaches How NGM Biopharmaceuticals is focusing on repricing and value perception, nonmonetary retention tools and innovative incentive plans to foster a…Read more
day: Day One Track B - PM
Develop: How Else Can We Keep Employees Engaged & Motivated with Our Mission? 12:40 pm
After periods of rapid growth and entering a focus on business stability, employee engagement becomes a critical affair. With 45% of employees being burned out by organizational changes, HR leaders need to find new ways to keep these employees motivated through downturn and fewer career development opportunities. Engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave…Read more
day: Day One Track B - PM