Ann Tomlin

Ann Tomlin

Company: Lyell Immunopharma

Job title: Senior Vice President & Head of Human Resources


Chair’s Welcome 8:55 am

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day: Conference Day Two

Focus Day Chair Ann Tomlin Head of Human Resources Lyell Immunopharma
12:46 pm

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day: Pre-Conference Focus Day 2

Discover: What More Can We Learn About Tackling the Strategic Challenges & Opportunities Facing CHROs in 2024? 2:00 pm

Establishing understanding with C-Suite Leaders of the importance of transparency and engagement with next level leadership early in a change process Designing communications to pull leaders in early in planning for organizational change; involve them in decision making and trust their ability to be confidential How Lyell Immunopharma have effectively prepared their leaders and change…Read more

day: Pre-Conference Focus Day 2

Develop: What More Can You Learn About Developing a Competitive Compensation Strategy Fit For Life Sciences Organizations in 2024? 9:40 am

Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day ChairRead more

day: Conference Day Two

Chairs Closing Remarks & End of Conference 2:00 pm

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day: Conference Day Two - END

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