Amy Wireman

Company: BioMarin Pharmaceutical
Job title: Chief People Officer
Discover: Establishing Operating Principles to Accelerate Organizational Transformation 1:30 pm
How can we galvanize our company culture, preserving what has made us great and moving into areas that are needed? Refresh your operating principles and create constant touchpoints through performance management, recruitment tools and more How BioMarin have refreshed its operating principles which has helped with executing on a refreshed strategyRead more
day: Pre-Conference Day Track B - AM
Develop: What Else Can We Do to Adjust to Change? 2:10 pm
As organizations grow rapidly, it is integral for HR leaders to pay close intent to the organizations design in order to achieve business research and development goals. Q&A session designed to help you understand the ‘how’.Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day Track B - AM